Küçük bir balıkçıl olup 40-49 cm uzunluğunda, 82-95 cm kanat açıklığındadır.
DOĞA ve YABAN HAYATA İLİŞKİN GÖZLEM VE BİLGİLERİ AKTARMAYI UMUYORUM...Yasal Not: Fotoğrafların izin alınmadan kopyalanması ve kullanılması 5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Yasasına göre suçtur.
The Internet makes it easy to share photos with your friends. Replace these images with your own. You can change the image by selecting it and clicking Insert Image
in the toolbar. Once you are in the image properties you can change the image into a thumbnail by clicking the Thumbnail tab (in image properties) and changing the width to 140 just like the samples below.
To add or take away rows in the table below, put your cursor inside the table, click Table Properties
in the toolbar and adjust the number of rows or columns. To take away the border in the table, place a "0" in the properties Border field.
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